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For those of us who are unsure how to respond when asked what grind we want for our beans, The Cortado is here to help.

Coffee used to be simple. Step 1: Go to the store. Step 2: Buy a can of coffee. Step 3: Brew it in the coffee maker. That's it!  


While we can still opt for the old mainstays, occasionally we walk down the coffee aisle, see those cool looking bags of beans from far off places sold by local roasters, and want to take a walk on the wild side. The problem is those bags cost more (sometimes twice as much as the can) and are usually in "whole bean" form, meaning that we have to grind them ourselves.  


Believe it or not, the size of the coffee grind can change the taste of the coffee, and if you're putting the cost of a nice bottle of wine into your coffee beans, we at The Cortado think you should want to make sure you're getting your money's worth.  

Below is a quick cheat sheet we made to guide you to the grind that is right for you. Grind with confidence, friend.

Extra Coarse

You want this when you're going for Cold Brew. A finer grind will make Cold Brew coffee taste bitter.


You want a coarse grind for the French Press.


The Chemex works best with a medium-coarse grind. This is also best if you are truly old school and use a percolator.


This is the grind you are used to from the trusty canned coffee. Naturally, it's best with the automatic drip machine.  


The Kalita, Hario V60, and other similar types of pour over options work best with this grind. The makers of the Aeropress also recommend this grind as the preferred option.


If you are making espresso, this is the way to go.

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